Cross the Ocean.

I’ve seen a lot of messages lately that at first glance resonated with the wounded places of my heart. Quotes that say things like, “don’t cross oceans for people who wouldn’t cross puddles for you.” or some variation of that idea. At first glance, I found myself nodding – thinking maybe that was good advice. However upon further reflection, it made me angry. Like- really angry. In fact, I think that’s bull shit (and coming from someone who doesn’t swear, you know that I mean that with gusto). You see, this world – as I think we all know – is incredibly broken. We probably have each experienced and witnessed enough heartache in its various forms to be well-versed in all that is wrong with the world. And sure, boundaries are important. We need to guard what is precious. But if our vision and our passion begins and ends with ourselves, we are only adding to the problem.

If no one is willing to cross an ocean or go out on a limb for someone who may not do the same for them, we’d each be left drowning or hanging from branches with no sign of help or even hope. If we limit ourselves to caring only for those who care for us, we’d all be living life alone. Someone has to be the first to make a move in every circumstance. Someone has to take a leap of faith and reach out. Someone has to pursue.

My friends, I’ve been hurt. I’ve had my heart broken many times – sometimes suffering multiple breaks at the hands of the same person. But I truly and passionately believe in the power of love. I don’t want to live life closed off to the world around me. I honestly believe that we belong to one another. Where I am weak, someone else is strong. Our gifts and our strengths vary with purpose – because where we lack, we are forced to acknowledge our need for one another. I know this world needs you. Whoever you are, your purpose is written into the very lining of the universe. I may not know you and I may not personally get to experience your beauty – but I believe it exists down to your very core. And for that reason, I will continue to fight for and with love.

I’ve been hurt, yes. But I’ve also been healed by the love and grace of others. I’ve been pulled from the cold depths of my own waters by the hands of some of you. Occasionally the same people who’ve lifted me off the edge have been the very same people to send me sprawling again toward the depths. I’m shamefully certain, I’ve done the same to others. We are human afterall – one with our brokenness in a world where fear and self-preservation rule.

This is my oath – before all of you who take the time to read what I’ve written here. I promise to pursue love with boldness – to cross oceans and climb mountains and scale perilous ledges for those who are placed within my life, without expectation of return. I swear that where I see a need, I will do my best to meet it – whether it be practical or emotional. I will seek to recognize, honour, and encourage the unique beauty that I see in those around me. I will remain in touch with my heart in a world that tells me to allow my mind to rule. I will rise above my fears and speak my love to others, recognizing the potential that whatever I send out may not be returned. But my friends, I am not even partly perfect – and as such, I will likely mess up more than I get it right. But I won’t give up in my failures – I will try again…and again…and again. You, my dears, are worth it. I will reach for you. I will fight for you or beside you. I will cross the ocean for you, no matter if you would so much as cross a puddle for me. Because my dear, you matter. And we belong to one another.

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