Letter to the Broken-hearted

I started writing this letter months ago. A friend of mine was facing a terrible loss and while I knew I couldn’t ease it away, I wanted to somehow share the pain. But as I wrote, more and more people whom I care for revealed their own hurts and somehow this letter grew in its scope. It’s no longer a letter to one friend, its become a letter to many. And my hope is that whoever you are reading this, it would speak to your heart too.

I believe in the power of love. However, love cannot transform our lives if we keep it locked up inside of us. Every time I reach out to someone, each time I speak my love aloud, I am terrified. But if I’m not willing to put my heart on the line for those I care about, am I really living love? So it is with that in mind that I share this letter.

Dear friends,

I know sometimes the weight of darkness is tangible. I know that the light seems to fade into oblivion. I understand how alone you must feel on the island of pain on which you are standing. The waves of emotion threatening at times to swallow you whole and at others receding and leaving nothing more than a dull numb. I imagine the memories of what used to be are simultaneously beautiful and horrible.

When we find ourselves lost in the darkness, it can be tempting to cling to the light of the past. We can see the goodness of where we’ve been  when we are yet blind to the beauty of what’s to come. When all that remains of the fire within you is the grey chalky coals, I will be here to fan the flame. 

I know that though the bumps in your road have been many and deep – and this feels like a gaping canyon – that there will be glorious mountain tops ahead if only you have the courage to keep trekking. While I don’t know the way, I will journey with you. 

Even when you question it, I see your worth. Though you may feel weak, I see only strength and courage. Please know that the only cure to loneliness is to do the scary work of allowing others in. I promise to carry your heart with gentle reverence like the treasure it is. When you can only look at yourself with criticism, I will whisper kind truths in your ear and pray they take root in your mind. 

Dear one, don’t you know that you were built for such a time as this? Your presence is a gift to those around you and you alone can offer the world the riches of your heart and mind. Without you, the people that you love would not be who they are. Your very existence alters the course of thousands of lives. I for one, am forever grateful that our lives have intertwined. The light of your life has brightened mine.

So hang on, my friend. Just hang on. Because while life comes with deep sorrow, it also promises unspeakable joy. Oh my dear, just wait until the light breaks again! It will be worth the wait. But for now, while you sit in the weighty darkness, I will tuck my knees beneath me and kneel beside you. I will hold your lantern until you’re ready to pick it up and begin anew. You will never be alone. 

With sincerest love, 


*As a side note, I’d like to share some songs with you that have ministered to my soul over the last couple of months. I’ve always believed in the power of story but I think that power is magnified when put to music. I hope that these songs will speak to you as well. *

Banners – Got it in You

Dermot Kennedy – Lost

Needtobreathe- Brother

Jess Glynne – I’ll be there

Eddie Vedder – Rise

Ron Pope- Reason to Hope

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